Aug 11, 2020
This week, Hat & Stan discuss the RPGs shown at Sony's recent State of Play. Specifically, is Genshin Impact a Breath of the Wild clone, or does it have an identity of it's own? Did God Fall make it's best appearance at this presentation, or did this distract some of the excitement that was felt for this PS5 exclusive. Will TemTem capture the hearts and minds of disenfranchised Pokemon fans, or will it merely drift away as yet another Pokemon clone? Later, they chat about the state of affairs at Tokyo RPG Factory, and what it's 1.4 million dollar loss means for the future.
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Vote for our next game discussion episode: 3:14
RPGs from August 6th State of play: 05:46
Genshin Impact - 06:01 The Pathless - 27:30
Godfall - 46:03
Temtem - 59:08
Overall thoughts on State of play - 1:12:22
SE reports losses for Tokyo RPG factory and Studio Istolia: 1:17:17
Community Questions: Favorite food in RPGs - 1:42:44
Favorite non-traditional leveling systems - 1:50:45