Jan 16, 2018
This week we discuss the recent surprise announcement that FInal Fantasy XII will be getting a PC port in February of this year! Also, recent news regarding the FF7 Remake making a small appearance at the upcoming 30th Anniversary closing ceremony has been announced, we give our thoughts on that. Lastly, we discuss the two games that we've been playing, Xenoblade Chronicles (Hat's first time) and the Okami PS4 Remaster.
- Okami PS4 HD - (1:00)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (4:48)
- FFXII Zodiac Age PC Release (12:31)
- FFVII Remake News (24:34)
Introduction Music: Nowhere Land Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...